“Théorie du tube de dentifrice” dans le New York Times

Por­trait croi­sé de l’ac­ti­viste amé­ri­cain Hen­ry Spi­ra et de l’as­so­cia­tion fran­çaise L214 dans le New York Times :

“The Aus­tra­lian phi­lo­so­pher Peter Sin­ger, who was a friend of Mr. Spi­ra, is publi­shing his bio­gra­phy of the acti­vist in French in May : “For many years, France was rather back­wards in terms of its thin­king of ani­mals,” he said in a Skype inter­view. “But L214 has made a lot of pro­gress based on the methods of Spi­ra, who sho­wed the ani­mal move­ment that it was pos­sible to win against big cor­po­ra­tions and reve­red institutions.”

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